Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Masters: Astrid Decoene, Elements finis et optimisation sous contraintes, Master EDPCS, Paris-Sud University.

  • Licence: Astrid Decoene, Licence Sciences Technologie Santé, mention mathématiques, Paris-Sud University.

  • Masters: Marie-Anne Poursat, Coordinator of the Mathematical Engineering course, Paris-Sud University

  • Masters: Marc Lavielle, Modèles Mixtes et Approche de Population, 24 hours, Paris-Sud University.

  • Masters: Bertrand Maury, Finite element method and optimization, modeling of the respiratory system, Paris-Sud University.

  • Masters: Bertrand Maury, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Ecole Polytechnique.

  • Miscellaneous: Marc Lavielle, Population approach and Mixed effects models: PAGE meeting 2013 (Glasgow); ACOP meeting 2013 (Fort-Lauderdale); University of Manchester (UK); University of Buffalo (USA).


  • PhD in progress: Célia Barthélémy, Modèles à effets mixtes pour l'assimilation de données en oncologie, debut: October 2012, Marc Lavielle.

  • Bertrand Maury co-supervises several PhD students: J. Fouchet-Incaux, A. Preux, G. Le Poultier, L. Lacouture, C. Etchegarai.

  • Astrid Decoene co-supervises the PhD thesis of L. Lacouture.

  • Other: Kevin Bleakley supervised two student projects in statistical learning in the Marketing et gestion de la relation client year 3 class at ENSAI, Rennes.


  • Kevin Bleakley was in selection committees for Maître de Conférence positions in biostatistics at Paris 6 and Paris 11 Universities. He also participated in the Thesis Committee of Eltaf Alamyar, Montpellier 2 University.

  • Marc Lavielle was referee for the HDR of Stéphanie Allassonière.

  • Bertrand Maury was member of the jury for CR2 Inria. He was also member of the selection committees of Nice (PR) and Orsay (MCF).

  • Marie-Anne Poursat was member of the selection committee of Orsay (MCF).